Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Unlock The Secret Vault Room in Apex Legends

Here's a quick guide to show you how and where to get the Vault Key which then points you to the Secret Vault Room location which is in the tunnel near the train yard station in World's Edge

Monday, March 25, 2019

How To Check Your Apex Legends Characters Online Profile / Stats / Rankings

You can check your Apex Legends Characters Online Profile, Stats and Rankings via this site called It's an awesome site, where you can just enter your character name and then choose a platform, whether you're playing on PC, PS4 or Xbox One. Don't be alarmed if you don't see any of your characters or stats on your online profile page because you have to actually click on the Add Legend button and then the Force Update button.

 Before that, you will need to actually manually, have that particular legend sitting at the lobby in-game. Click on Legends, choose the legend and set the stats you wish to display by clicking on the Banner Tab. Once you've chosen your stats, just click back until you're at the lobby. Then, go to the site, and click on Add Legend then Force Update. You have to do this repeatedly for all the characters that you wish to be published publicly online. You can also use this site to search for your friends and famous streamers, just to see their online stats

Take note, that the site is still in its Alpha stage and most of the features such as weapon kills, match statistics and others are still in progress which the developers will be updating soon in the near future. Be sure to follow the devs on Twitter at @Apex_Tracker.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

OCTANE: New Character (Legend) To be Released in Mar 2019

New Character (Legend) character has been leaked by @childz_pl4y on reddit, this new legend is set to be released in the new Apex Legends Season somewhere in March 2019.

Let's take a closer look at Octane's abilities.

Passive - Swift Mend
While not taking damage, Octane restores health over time

This could be one of the best abilities in the game as it allows you to heal over time while not taking damage. Pass those extra medical kits to other players that might need it.

Tactical - Adrenaline Junkie
Move 30% faster for 6 seconds. Costs 10% health immune to slows while active.

What a great oh-shit button designed by Respawn, you're in trouble, hit this button, get the heck out of sticky situation, coupled with Swift Mend, this character survival rate will be tremendously great.

Ultimate - Launch Pad
Deployable jump pad that catapults users through the air

Get the entire team out of sticky situation, getting stuck in between multiple squads, put a launch pad and get out of the area. Wondering if the enemy players can use the jump pad or not. Not to forget, jump pad is one of the item in Fortnite.

Hope this character will be released very soon as we can't wait to get our hands to try it! Happy hunting, subscribe and follow our channel for great content in the near future! 👍

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Apex Legends All Characters Transparent

This is a Fansite kit for Apex Legends Characters with transparent background that can be freely be used and downloaded for your site, video content and others. Let's help this gaming community grows, for the 25 million of us! 😊

Cryto Apex Legends Transparent
Crypto Apex Legends Transparent Background

Bangalore Transparent Apex Legends
Bangalore Transparent

Lifeline Transparent Apex Legends
Lifeline Transparent

Wraith Transparent Apex Legends
Wraith Transparent
Bloodhound Transparent Apex Legends

Bloodhound Transparent

Caustic Transparent Apex Legends
Caustic Transparent

Gibraltar Transparent Apex Legends
Gibraltar Transparent

Mirage Transparent Apex Legends
Mirage Transparent

Pathfinder Transparent Apex Legends
Pathfinder Transparent

Airship Assassin Wraith by Reddit User Volume1337

Bloodhound, Wraith and Gibraltar Transparent by Respawn Entertainment

Monday, February 18, 2019

Who are the Voice Actors of Apex Legends?

Wanted to know who are the voice actors behind Apex Legends the latest and most hyped Battle Royale characters? Here's all the voice characters including movie actors, announcer, cosplayer, models and many more famous people.

Apex Legends Cast :

JB Blanc - Caustic, Kuben Blisk
Shantel VanSanten - Wraith
Allegra Clark - Bloodhound
Roger Craig Smith - Mirage
Chris Edgerly - Pathfinder
Mela Lee - Lifeline
Erica Luttrell - Bangalore
Zehra Fazal - The Announcer

Apex Legends Wallpapers

Welcome to the latest Apex Legends Wallpaper compilation, you can download Apex Legends wallpapers below. We'll keep the wallpaper list updated from time to time.

 Apex Legends Crypto vs Gibraltar Wallpaper

  Apex Legends Crypto Wallpaper (Close-up)

  Apex Legends Crypto  The Hacker Wallpaper

  Apex Legends Season 3 : Meltdown Wallpaper (Light)

 Apex Legends Season 3 : Meltdown Wallpaper (Dark)

Apex Legends World's Edge Map Wallpaper

Apex Legends Classic Wallpaper (Dark)

Apex Legends Classic Wallpaper (Light)

Apex Legends Classic Wallpaper (Alternate Variation)

Apex Legends Lifeline Wallpaper

Apex Legends All Legends Wallpaper

Apex Legends Mirage Wallpaper

Apex Legends Mobile iPhone & Android Wallpapers

* Wallpaper resolution suitable for iPhone (iPhone 6,7,8 and X series) and Android devices.

* Apex Legends Artworks and Fanarts available at this link here.

Apex Legends Artworks and Fan Arts

Apex Legends is currently the best Battle Royale Game and No #1 Most Watched Game on Twitch as of Feb 14th, 2019 only just after about a week of releasing the game. They currently have over 25 million players since launch (Feb 4th, 2019) and over 2 million concurrent players at its peak over the weekend, Respawn announced on the official EA blog. Well done to developers and publishers at Respawn Entertainment and EA Games for releasing such a great Free-to-Play game (Confirmed Non Pay-To-Win Game) for everyone to hop in and experience the best most polished Battle Royale.

Apex Legends artworks are available here, feel free to download them as below.

Crypto Apex Legends ArtworkCrypto Apex Legends Artwork

Wattson Best Apex Legends ArtworkWattson Best Apex Legends Artwork

Wattson Apex Legends Artwork
Wattson Apex Legends Artwork

Octane Apex Legends ArtworkOctane Apex Legends Artwork

Gibraltar Artwork

Gibraltar Artwork

Pathfinder Artwork

Pathfinder Artwork

Bangalore Artwork

Bangalore Artwork

Bloodhound Artwork

Bloodhound Artwork

Caustic Artwork

Caustic Artwork

Lifeline Artwork

Lifeline Artwork

Mirage Artwork

Mirage Artwork

Wraith Artwork

Wraith Artwork

Apex Legends All Characters Artwork

Apex Legends All Characters

* All Artworks and Fanarts are taken from official EA website here.

Fant Arts

 Caustic by Ramzy Kamen

 Mirage by 4k-images

 Mirage by 4k-images

 Mirage by 4k-images

Mirage and Wraith by 4k-images

 Pathfinder by Wccftech

Warith by Ramzy Kamen

Lifeline by Nakano Art

Causitc by Liam MacDonald

Caustic by Dhaxina_

Bloodhound Best Artwork Apex Legends
Bloodhound by Assassinwoof